840 Asp Ave. Rm.111
Norman, OK 73019
Phone: (405)325-8951
Fax: (405)325-7841


Information Current Projects Self Determination Presentation Files
Graduate Study Transition Planning Reports Staff

Graduate Study

Below you will find links and other resources for graduate study at the Zarrow Center.

Degree Information

Admission Information

(Both the application to the Graduate College and for the department you are applying are required for admission.)

Graduate Study Information

Financial Aid Information

Graduate Assistantship Opportunities

The Zarrow Center provides opportunities for graduate students to become involved at many different levels in ongoing research and demonstration projects. Benefits include a monthly stipend plus tuition and fee waivers, a desk at the Zarrow Center, computer, and access to additional support. Students typically work 20 hours per week. As students gain experience and demonstrate their competence, opportunities to become more actively involved in research activities increase. Students interested in an assistantship need to send an application letter indicating desire for the assistantship. In the letter include a brief academic history and the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of at least three people who can be contacted to serve as references. Include a recent resume or vita. Send the letter and vita to:Dr. Jim MartinThe University of OklahomaZarrow Center for Learning Enrichment840 Asp Ave, Room 111Norman, OK 73019Selection preference will be given to graduate students in the Department of Educational Psychology, with priority given to Special Education Program graduate students. Students from other departments may apply. Current or past graduate assistantships have been awarded to students in the College of Law, as well as from the three Department of Educational Psychology program areas. The number of assistantships available for the academic year and summer vary based upon available funding.

  • 2004 - 2005 Graduate Assistant Handbook    (Adobe.pdf document)

Graduate Assistant Handbook


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