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How to Apply

Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree and a record of outstanding achievement as evidenced by publications. Preferred candidates will have a promising (assistant professor) or externally funded (associate/full professor) research program and the ability to lead interdisciplinary, multi-investigator projects across a range of geographic scales. Each individual will be expected to provide excellent training for graduate students and postdocs, and contribute to undergraduate and graduate teaching (one course per semester) in the department.

Applicants should submit a cover letter indicating the position(s) (AE and/or GE) to which they are applying, a full curriculum vitae, research and teaching statements, and selected reprints/preprints as PDF files to Chair, Geographic Ecology Search Committee, at Applicants should also arrange to have three signed letters of reference sent to or Department of Biology, 730 Van Vleet Oval, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019, USA. Applicants at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor may submit names and contact information for three references in lieu of letters. Visit us at Screening of candidates will begin 1 October 2015 and will continue until the positions are filled.


The University of Oklahoma is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and encourages diversity in the workplace. Protected veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

About Geographic Ecology at OU


“ In these challenging times, I have told our faculty that all future hires must be strategic.  It is telling that all of Biology’s positions in Geographic Ecology are “open rank” searches.  Our goal is to bring the best available researchers and teachers to the University of Oklahoma.”

-Kelly Damphousse, Dean
College of Arts and Sciences

Many of ecology’s most fundamental patterns manifest at scales of landscapes and continents. Biology faculty are collaborating with colleagues across campus to establish an international center of excellence exploring the geography of our evolving biosphere. We combine the tools of ecology, evolution, and biogeography to explore how water, atmosphere, and biogeochemistry shape biodiversity and ecosystem services. We build the theoretical and empirical foundations of geographic ecology to better predict biotic change and steward our natural resources and services.


Geographic Ecology is a rapidly growing and integrative discipline. We train our students to explore unique and useful connections among genomics and physiological ecology, population and community ecology, and biogeography and macroecology toward answering big questions. Our students have access to our faculty’s deep knowledge of biodiversity via the Oklahoma Biological Survey, the Bebb Herbarium, and the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History. They have access to the technological tools and datasets of of the OSCER supercomputing cluster, the Advanced Center for Genome Technology, the National Weather Center, The Climate Survey, the Water Survey, and the South Central Climate Science Center. They work around the globe, combining laboratory studies, field experiments, and comparative methods to answer their questions. Our students are supported by a variety of sources, from NSF graduate fellowships and DIGGs, DOE GAANN fellowships, research and teaching assistantships.